27 Dec 2010

What did you get then?

The thing about having a bit of a pot-belly is that everyone knows that you are into food. After a while, you get used to your grandparents stuffing you full of cake when you go round, only for them to start asking your weight. Its like prodding you... “Here, have a lump of cake you fat git. You like cake don’t you fatty?! Look at his gut wobbling! What a disgusting fatty…”

Anyway, on the plus side, it means people know exactly what to buy at Christmas. My mother wouldn’t take me seriously when I asked for a Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker, but I knew she wouldn’t let me down (mainly because her browsing history was saved on the Argos website). She also got, as a little stocking filler, a book called “Cooking School Indian” from Marks and Spencer, which looks surprisingly good. I’m particularly looking forward to the Sole in Chilli Yoghurt. The Mrs got me a Rachel Allen book I was after for a little while – “Rachel’s Food for Living”. It looks like good stuff – full of simpler, tasty stuff that should be easy to cook when we get back from work. The “Korean Beef with Avocado Rice” is definitely getting a try.

The Mrs herself also got two cookery books (both from myself. She did ask for one of them so its not a case of me buying presents for myself – I know what you’re thinking), Nigella Lawson’s “Kitchen” and the “Hummingbird Bakery Cupcakes and Muffins”. As always, the Nigella book is beautifully written and presented, a joy to read on its own. The Cupcakes and Muffins book is just a small stocking filler really, but is filled with a fair few ideas. The Marshmallow Cupcake recipe appeals to my outrageously sweet tooth. The mother in law also got my Better-Half a cupcake stand and an icing bag set, with seven nozzles, so I’m looking forward to those already.

The Hummingbird Bakery Cupcakes and Muffins @ Amazon

Rachel’s Food for Living @Amazon

Nigella Lawson’s Kitchen @ Amazon

Indian Cooking School @ Marks and Spencer

24 Dec 2010

Escapades with processed frozen food

When I was a young lad, I managed to put myself off pizza totally for over 6 months. I’m not a food snob; I adore pizza now, along with most Junk food. In fact, I’d say a decent cheeseburger is probably my favourite meal. But I went off pizza for about 6 months after I had it for tea on a family holiday. That night, I was horrendously, violently ill, and was out of action for 3 days of a 5 day holiday. I had managed to associate one of my favourite foods with being ill. Disaster.

The reason I am writing about sickness and pizza is partly tied in with my failure to update the Cookbook Test Lab. I was aware that I had not updated for a long time, and decided that I would write about the food I was to serve for friends visiting for dinner on the Sunday before Christmas. I don’t know what came over me, but I had decided to buy some frozen party food from a small (in comparison to the big 3), but well-known supermarket that specialise in these sort of things, heat and serve. We have a habit of serving dinner late to these particular friends, whose 3-year old son tends to get a bit restless waiting. And it is Christmas afterall, everyone loves buffets.

I heated it up, all went down well. I tried some of everything. It was fine, if not spectacular. I’m sure I recognised some of the treats from work – I think the catering staff do their shopping there.

I started feeling a bit dizzy at about 8.00, but didn’t think anything of it.

By 10.00, my stomach was in overdrive.

I finally got some decent sleep at about 5.00, after being ill all night and absolutely torturing myself about giving our friends food poisoning. The one glimmer of hope was that the other half was not suffering. It was with some trepidation that I called them, and apologised… Thank the lord! They were OK! I slowly started recovering and finally last night ate my first proper meal. So had I given myself food poisoning, or caught some sort of bug? Who knows. I have to confess that I ate a prawn that I dropped on the floor, other than this I had nothing else that others did not try. I’m just so glad we did not have whisky after dinner!

The point to all this is – I have put myself off buffet food. I think I have also put myself off cooking for others. Hopefully, my appetite for cooking for the better half and myself will return along with my appetite for food generally, but I don’t like the idea of cooking for others anymore, a true simple pleasure.

I hope I lose the fear and can enjoy it again, like I enjoy pizza now.

13 Dec 2010

The Weekend has landed! Thomasina Miers' Mexican Rice, Nigella's Guinness Cake, and Spanish Stew

I don’t deal with crowds very well. In fact, I don’t deal with stress very well. I’m naturally quite lazy – and I don’t mind admitting it either. Why on earth I thought it was a good idea to go into town and look after Baby Chef while the Better Half had her hair cut then, was just beyond me. I knew that the run up to Christmas made an already busy York city centre nightmarish, without considering that I’d be wheeling a youngster around. I did manage another trip to Rafi’s Spice Box in York though, and although I wasn’t too sure that they were happy to see Baby Chef’s larger buggy that we have borrowed (to deal with the snow) being wheeled into the shop, I did have a good chat about Fenugreek leaves, which I had been unable to get anywhere else. I also managed to get some Peshwari Naan, and as I have already declared that its pointless attempting to make your own without a tandoori oven, I’m hoping that this will be the most authentic we can get at home without visiting the local takeaway.

So, after I had knocked over stuff in a cosmetics shop, courtesy of a change bag slung over my shoulder, I took respite in the City Screen bar, and had coffee and breakfast. I somehow managed to get a seat, ordered at the bar, and started eating. Unfortunately, my timing wasn’t so good, and Baby Chef decided he needed to go to the bathroom. I worried for a bit, but finally decided to bite the bullet and leave all my stuff at the table to go and change his nappy. This was not an easy operation, and sadly a full change was required. We finally got back to the table, Baby Chef in a new outfit (I'll love out the pooey details, but you get the picture). Still, breakfast was good – French Toast with Maple Syrup! A change from the usual weekend’s bacon sandwich.

After trailing around for Jewellery, stressing some more, and having passport photos taken, we finally made our way to the supermarket. I broke with tradition, and visited Aldi, after hearing they had an excellent meat and cheese selection. This was to be served as a starter with bread and oil for Sunday’s first course. We got back, and found we had a leak from the water tank. Sigh. The day’s final insult arrived when the Better Half saw a mouse in the living room. I think the cat had brought it in, and has since disposed of it, but just in case the skirting boards are lined with mousetraps, making our living room look like a... I don't even know, like a bloody rat-infested derelict crack-house!

After the work’s Christmas party on Saturday night, on to cooking on Sunday morning. The first thing I did when I got up was to start making Nigella Lawson’s Chocolate Guinness Cake, from “Feast”. I had managed to get a deep 9” cake tin from Barnitt’s in York (a wonderful local's secret DIY and furniture store) the previous day, after a moment of clarity in which I actually pre-read the method! I couldn’t believe the amount of sugar and butter in the cake, or the full tablespoon of vanilla extract, but something had to take away the Guinness’s bitter tang. Anyhow, the cake baked successfully and came out looking very dark and rich – almost like the cake burnt. I’m not sure if I’m such a fan of the topping – a cream cheese and sugar concoction, but this may be because I bought cheap, half-fat cream cheese. Whoops.

For the main we were having Spanish Chicken and Potato Stew. The recipe was taken from the Channel 4 website, and is by a chap called Matthew Drennan. We had cooked it before, and knew it was simple and tasty, and that we could leave it on the hob – sold! The stew is a filling affair of Onion, garlic, Chorizo, Tomatoes and Potatoes. It went down really well, was very pleased with the end result, and everyone seemed to like it.

To serve with, I made “Green Rice” from Thomasina Miers’ “Mexican Food Made Simple”. Now, I will start with the caveat that although this did not go to plan, it was not totally disastrous and I could’ve saved it if I had put a touch more thought into the operation myself. Basically, whiz up Onions, Garlic, Parsley, Coriander and a little oil, heat in a pan, add the rice, add chicken stock, cook for 15 minutes on the hob, transfer into the oven for 30 minutes. The first problem was- the recipe told me to use far, far too much rice for the 4 people it was designed to serve. I should have spotted this myself as the “Red Rice” recipe above called for much less to serve the same amount of people. It must have been more than a simple printing error on the ingredients list, as the amount of stock to use was perfect! Because too much rice and stock had been used, the herbs didn’t seem to go as far, and my rice was not the “emerald green” that Thomasina wrote of – more of a light green shading. The second problem was that at the bottom of the recipe, it states that the recipe takes 30 minutes to cook, and this is what I worked from. However, at the end of the recipe, after mixing the herbs, boiling the rice etc, Thomasina writes that the rice should be baked for 30 minutes! So that is at least 45 minutes of cooking time! This is maybe the 3rd recipe that I have used from the book – the previous test articles being breakfasts – and it was a birthday present, so I will persevere – but I feel that it only take the cock-up of a couple of recipes for their books to become mistrusted and relegated to the useless pile. I love Mexican food and do not want to do this, but the apprehension of cooking with the book will set in if another recipe is not as expected.

The meal was rounded off with the cake, which was rich, but tasty. Not so many comments there, but I have brought some to work. Colleagues tend not to be so polite! With coffee, we had "Peanut Butter Cups" from "Nigella's Christmas" that the other half made. I was suspicious after tasting the sickly-sweet peanut butter mix, but the chocolate brought them back down to earth, and they were very tasty indeed. An excellent finishing point to a good meal.

Thomasina Miers' Mexican Food made Simple @ Amazon

Nigella Lawson's Feast @ Amazon

Nigella Christmas @ Amazon

Matthew Drennan's Spanish Chicken & Potato Stew @ Channel 4 Food

Barnitt's of York

Rafi's Spice Box

York City Screen

12 Dec 2010

Right on, Jay!

Just a quick update at the moment - as we are in the middle of cooking a loosely spanish-themed menu for guests at lunch (not a single Rachel Allen recipe among them!) -and will let you know how it goes tonight!

However,I just had to log on and post a link to Jay Rayner's latest article in "The Guardian" - in which he chastises lovers of over-cooked meat. Jay somehow sounds knowledgeable without being pretentious. I think this is due to his review of fast food outlets on Channel 4's "Food" - and a confession of affection for Burger King.

7 Dec 2010

Rachel Allen - Round 3! Prawn and Coconut Curry

I guess the beauty of the blog is not being tied to an update schedule. And this week, its been a good job that’s the case. And its going to get worse I’m afraid – the course material came through for my next Open University course. I don’t think its going to take up as much time as last year, but its still going to take at least 12 hours per week. Coupled with a young boy to take care of and I don’t get left with much time. The writings not the issue, it’s the cooking.

Still, I started the blog to keep my motivation and productivity up, and to practise writing. And, speaking of cooking, I have managed a fair bit this week. Again, Rachel Allen has been getting a fair old work out. The main recipe I made this week was from Rachel’s ‘Home Cooking’, and I went for a prawn and coconut Indian curry. Rachel’s blurb advertises the recipe as “a beginners curry, something to get teenagers interested in cooking”. I think this is true, to a certain extent. I do like making curry, and much prefer using coconut milk rather than liquidising onions and garlic and cooking forever. The curry recipe is adapted, as per Rachel’s recommendation, from the chicken and coconut into prawns, which I had in the freezer. To be honest, the most difficult thing was finding a lid for my wok to allow the sauce to simmer (should curry be cooked in a wok? I have to say, I think its a most verstile pan and have been known to do Bolognese in ours!). A dinner plate did the trick. The only other trouble was fish stock; I really can’t stand the smell of meat or chicken stock, so cooking fish stock really wasn’t going to work for me. The better half came up with the idea of water and nam pla. Thai fish sauce saves the day again.

Overall, it was a satisfying recipe – easy to cook, tasted fresh, and the green beans added a bit of crunch to the texture. Definitely one I’ll be doing again.

The other recipes performed for your delight this week include Toffee Popcorn from Rachel’s Favourite Food at Home (we extended its borrowing period at the library), which was simply divine. The toffee sauce stuck to fresh popcorn and stuck, then dried to give the perfect taste and texture. The recipe for spiced popcorn didn’t look so great – think we’ll be giving that one a miss.

The final recipe was baked by the Mrs. Nigella Lawson’s Intense Chocolate Cookies, from “Nigella Express” were looked up last minute on the way to the supermarket via the iPhone. Again, it ticked boxes. “Express” meant relatively easy to cook. Nigella meant tasty, for the baby group mummies. Not many came back, to my disgust, and the ones that did were reduced in numbers even further by my parents. Mama Chef’s praise was high indeed. Its tough to get Mama Chef to admit to liking Nigella recipes, but even she conceded here, and even she might be interested in the link to the recipe below. Nigella has had quite the influence on my diet today, what with cookies and then the fried gnocchi that she unveiled recently in TV. Went perfectly with Mr Brains faggots, inspired by the “guilty secrets” thread over on the UK Food Bloggers Association forum.

Finally, I finished off the hamper with a nod to Grandad. A bottle of Glenfiddich has found its way into the basket, and I’m calling it a day there.

Rachel Allen's Home Cooking @ Amazon

Nigella Express @ Amazon

Nigella's Intense Chocolate Cookie recipes @ bbc.co.uk/food

1 Dec 2010

Rachel Allen: Round 2 & Christmas Hampers

I mentioned in the last update that we had not finished with Rachel Allen’s “Favourite Food at Home”, and that we were about to settle down for Chorizo and Feta Frittata. I can’t take credit for cooking the Frittata, but the other half reports “Ooh, it was dead easy!”. And the taste? Fantastic. The Frittata is obviously quite a simple dish, but the combination of Chorizo and Feta – not one I would have thought of – was excellent. The cheese was really fresh compared to the smoky sausage, and complimented each other really well. The only criticism would be Rachel’s cooking directions. An ovenproof frying-pan is specified as required, as when the bottom is browned the Frittata should be finished in the oven. We don’t have an ovenproof pan so finished it off under the grill instead. This worked perfectly.

The other half served the Frittata with Rachel Allen’s “Peas with Leeks and Bacon” from the same book. I wasn’t too sure with this – the leeks and bacon are fried off and then added to the peas and some vegetable or chicken stock. We used chicken and I’m not sure if this worked – they just didn’t taste quite right. Having said this, the other half loved them, so we’ll give Rachel the benefit of the doubt. I definitely appreciated something different being done with the peas rather than them being boiled.

The meal was all cooked last night and unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures, so I wanted to write about the Christmas hamper I am putting together for my Grandparents. Grandma and Grandad are still quite young as Grandparents go and are certainly not the stereotypical old people. Grandad used to cook in the Navy – not that he was a cook, but there was no cook assigned to his ship, so they used to take it in turns – it was in everyone’s interest that at least one of them could cook! Grandma appreciates food but has traditional British tastes.

So far, I have bought:

Cheese for Biscuits from Marks and Spencer

Belgian Chocolate Biscuits (M&S again)

Belgian Chocolate Truffles (again, M&S)

M&S Bucks Fizz

Amaretti Virginia biscuits

Lemon Curd and Orange Marmalade from York Preserves

A bottle of Lorina Old-fashioned Lemonade

Christmas Coffee from Taylors of Harrogate

Everything that is not M&S has been bought from Atkinson’s in Pocklington. This Aladdin’s cave of a deli is a hidden treat, and also supplied the basket for £9.99. The Lorina Lemonade is a personal favourite of mine, while the York Preserves jars look excellent. The last thing I can think if to put in there is decent tea – does anyone have any suggestions for teas, or any other finishing touches?

Rachel Allen's Favourite Food at Home @ Amazon

Marks and Spencer

Amaretti Virginia

York Preserves

Lorina Soft Drinks

Taylors of Harrogate

Atkinson's on Google